August 23, 2020
Eve - The woman who created our beautiful new 'MUSE' print
Eve Nicholson-Smith (@muse_paper on Instagram) is the creator of the print of our brand new 'MUSE' Collection you are seeing all over our Instagram and website at the moment. It's one of our favourite collections to date and we had to take the opportunity to chat to Eve about all things creativity, where she draws inspiration from what kind of crafts and arts she's currently obsessed with.
Eve, you designed the print for our brand new ‘Muse’ Collection and we couldn’t love it anymore! The print is simple yet so unique and makes us happy just looking at it. Have you always been creative or is illustrating & painting something you discovered at a later point in life?
I love how the print turned out on the suits! I’ve always loved drawing and painting and making things. I drew and doodled all the time as a kid and later on studied painting and art history at university. I’ve always loved experimenting with different mediums as well and have enjoyed ceramics and printmaking in the past, and more recently have gotten into sewing which has been so fun!
Where do you draw inspiration from?
I’m inspired by nature - the sun, moon, water, flowers… There is endless beauty! I’m also inspired by the simple things that surround us everyday, whether it’s a cup of tea or an interesting shape. I find making an effort to slow down to notice and appreciate these sorts of things is a calming antidote to the fast pace of our modern lives.
Do you have a favorite creation of yours and if so could you share why it is your favorite?
Some of my favourite things I’ve made are more tactile things, like a ceramic candle holder I made in a pottery class this past February, or a shirt I recently sewed. I feel extra proud of these things since they’re different from what I usually create and more of a challenge. I also get to use them which I love!
Starting something new can be daunting. Do you have any tips for someone who wants to reconnect with their creative side and start drawing & illustrating?
I’ve found that putting my art out there and sharing my work (with any size audience) has been a helpful tool in keeping me accountable to continue creating. I usually post around 3 new drawings a week and even when I don’t feel inspired, I still create something and share it and I’ve found that the momentum of creating is powerful even if some of the creations are not so hot!
Being such a creative person yourself is it important to you to install the same creative spark in your daughters? And if so how do you get them interested in crafts & arts in a playful way?
I think all kids are creative geniuses! Haha They are tapped into some crazy, delightful way of thinking that I wish I could access more of myself! For my girls, they see me drawing and making things a lot and naturally want to do the same! Sometimes we will do a craft or draw together but at their ages (2 and 4), I witness their creativity most when I listen to them playing together and creating sweet imaginary worlds and stories!
You also have a small shop on your website with beautiful cards and more. Please let our readers know where to find you & how to get in touch with you?
Yes, I sell prints and cards on my website, Your readers are welcome to get in touch through there or on my instagram @muse_paper. I’m happy to answer any questions or just say hi! :)
Thank you!